If you follow me, and I hope you do, you’ve already tested out this version of Tutor Bot. Even if you didn’t, it’s alright. I am here to let you know about the new version.
Most importantly, we have changed the training logic. You will learn the language gradually. At first, the words of each portion will appear (we have divided lessons into portions. Each portion contains about 8-10 words. This is the optimal amount of words students can acquire at a time). To adopt these words, you will become exercises – from easy to difficult ones. Here how this looks like:
With the help of our analytical tools, we track your training and adjust it based on your results. If we find out that your listening skills, for ex., are weak, we’ll change the training logic so that you get more listening exercises.
This was a brief introduction of a new version of Tutor bot. Please train and give actively feedback. We will address all of them.
In this version, there are now bunch of new exercise types. This means, you will see and learn words in their different uses. And you will never get bored. Promised! The old exercises are still there, but in a better form. Take a look here:
As you know, language learning is always about a content. We are working hard to improve it. So now in this version, you will see a content of a better quality. This means, images will be more descriptive, definitions will explain the word in a easier form. Besides, we have enriched the training with 2,9 mln “live”- examples, which will help you see and understand this or that word in their real use. The “live example” are taken from world literature. We have processed them so, that they correspond to your language level, your favorite topics, your study material. This is one of the biggest characteristic that differentiates us from all other language learning tools. You will never happen to see the same example twice!
We’ve also made easy the communication between you and us. Whenever you have a question, click on “Reporting” icon and then check “Feedback”. In the message window, type your question or opinion. We will answer you in a minute.
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