Group management is one of the main processes language centre needs. Setting Group’s name and it’s Start Date you can create a new group and start managing learning, financial or scheduling processes related to the group.
In other words, spend 3 minutes to create a group, set settings and enjoy automate process of group management and attendance marking.
Do you want to use only one calendar in your phone or desktop to see all your personal appointments or school scheduling? Click on the link to synchronise timetable with your calendar. Timetable includes data about Group name, Date and Time of training, Venue and Room. You can see your monthly, weekly or daily schedule.
Depending on the course type pricing models can be different. Students’ can be charged monthly or hourly, even per lesson. Also fee can be calculated both per student and per group. Set your pricing model for the special group and save your time on anverj calculations.
If your students use TutorBot app for their vocabulary training you can monitor their progress. Here are the charts which will help teachers to understand what kind of exercises are effective for each student. Statistics are based on work of artificial intelligence no human failure.
The post Last feature release for 2018 appeared first on Tutor Platform.