From now on, schools can facilitate their venue and teacher capacity in a better way. Let’s see how.
As a school or group manager you can now announce where the class will take place. For this, create a venue in School Venue indicating a minimum and maximum number of students it can accommodate. Then, set this venue to a group. This will help others from using the same venue for their classes. By assigning a venue-place to a group, you facilitate the group management in a better way. And help to avoid overlaps with the same venue and schedule.
Another way to optimise the group management is to pick up a venue which best matches to the group. Let’s say you have a group of 6 students and should pick up a room for their class. If you assign a 4-student-capacity venue to a group, you’ll get a message telling you that you can have two more students in the group. So, pertaining this information will prevent you from having overloaded or underloaded classrooms.
Please note, that venue information is also visible on the timetable. You as a manager can easily filter classes by their location.
In the school, the most important player is the teacher. That’s why you as a school manager should be able to manage this “resource” quite proficiently. In this sense, it is necessary that you are aware of your teachers’ availability and can arrange their schedule. How you do it? When creating a teacher profile in School Member , add also a schedule. In this way, you will be quite flexible in assigning a teacher to this or that group. This will effectively back up a lesson and prevent a possible cancelation of it.
This was pretty much everything we managed to do last week. If you want to find out more, look at Work in details below.
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