Do you think design is just a surface and self-expression means? We think, design can do more. Let’s see how.
Tutor app is developed to make vocabulary learning fun and enjoyable. Instead of classical methods of dealing with new words our learners digest new words as a part of a game. Colourful, yet, simple design helps them in this.
This is the reason we want our learners to develop learning habits through design. Hence, every background color has its meaning the Tutor app.
From now on, you will see four colors when learning new words. The yellow color will teach you new words. With green, you will practice relatively simple exercises. The blue will help you improve your spelling and typing skills. And in the end, purple will be the color of how to use the new words in the practice.
When you start practicing on Tutor app, you’ll notice that exercises get harder as you go from green to purple.
Inspite of this color-fixed flow, we still want to deliver you a personalised learning experience. Tutor app still remains loyal to adaptive learning. This is the most important thing that differentiates it from other vocabulary training apps and tools. The philosophy behind adaptive learning is to adjust learning content to learner’s needs: their learning goals, learning styles. With all tools and settings a teacher gets on Tutor Platform, they can monitor your progress and tailor learning material’s structure accordingly.
We want to make the Tutor an ultimate tool so you can improve with it all your skills: writing, reading, listening and speaking. On this way, grammar teaching is the next step we are going to take. Hence, in the next version of Tutor there will be different grammar exercises.
Also we will send you learning tips and suggestions which will improve your weak points.
I am going to stop at this point now.
As always, learn with Tutor , write me your thoughts and proposals, ask me whatever questions bother you and cheer!
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