We're bringing you a few new features to further support the learning, teaching and management of your school. Starting next month, newsletters will also have a questionnaire attached to them. Watch out for the link so your voice becomes a part of our decision-making.
New features
UI changes and bug fixes
When you go to Courses, you can now see the number of active students, teachers and groups attached to the course. This way, you can make a decision about the availability of the course, right from the grid!
Tutor Platform has been helping educators simplify their workflows and automate manual processes since 2018. This month we fixed the 1000th bug!
More and more schools trust Tutor Platform with their learners, teachers and the content. This implies that Tutor Platform can be trusted with a diverse set of problems and tasks, making it even more end-to-end and universal for all kinds of environments where learning is occurring.
We plan to bring improvements to your experience in the platform. Expect to get the same things done in less clicks and time, starting in June.