The Best Way to Teach Online. Teach live, one-on-one, or with a group, using the most versatile collaborative space for online lessons. Best for groups up to 10 students, for workshops and trainings that require lot of collaboration and modern e-learning materials. Suits for coding, language learning and other subject collaborative classes.
The Best Way to Teach Online. Teach live, one-on-one, or with a group, using the most versatile collaborative space for online lessons. Best for groups up to 10 students, for workshops and trainings that require lot of collaboration and modern e-learning materials. Suits for coding, language learning and other subject collaborative classes.
Links to The Lesson Space will be automatically created and linked to your group.
Links to The Lesson Space will be automatically created and linked to your group.
Students will need links in order to join Lessonspace sessions.
There are three ways students can get links:
Students will need links in order to join Lessonspace sessions.
There are three ways students can get links: